
Kanak-Kanak Ini Berkaki Kudung Tapi Tetap Dipilih Menjadi Model Cilik, Inspiring Sungguh!

Kanak-Kanak Ini Berkaki Kudung Tapi Tetap Dipilih Menjadi Model Cilik, Inspiring Sungguh!
Kanak-Kanak Ini Berkaki Kudung Tapi Tetap Dipilih Menjadi Model Cilik, Inspiring Sungguh!

Selalunya orang-orang yang kurang upaya akan berasa segan untuk tampil di khalayak ramai ataupun tak rela untuk kecacatan mereka ditayang kepada semua orang.

Kalau bukan di mata orang pun, mereka mungkin akan rasa sedih kerana aktiviti seharian mereka limited disebabkan oleh kekangan hidup.

Tapi itu langsung bukan kesnya dengan Daisy-May Demetre, yang memberi inspirasi kepada orang di serata dunia apabila dia tampil sebagai model kanak-kanak kurang upaya sejak tahun lepas.

Budak perempuan berumur 8 tahun dari Britain ini kini membintangi kempen pakaian aktif untuk jenama River Island, dan gambar-gambarnya mencerminkan personalitinya yang ceria serta outgoing.

Kedua-dua belah kakinya kudung tapi dengan memakai sepasang kaki prostetik, Daisy-May nampaknya langsung tak terkesan dengan kecacatannya itu. Seolah-olah dia adalah seorang budak biasa.

Ini kisahnya…
Ketika dia dilahirkan, dia disahkan menghidap penyakit fibular hemimelia (tulang fibularnya tak terbentuk).

“Salah satu kakinya berupa seperti bola. Satu lagi lembik dan langsung tak berguna,” kata bapanya Alex kepada Barcroft TV.

Akibatnya, kedua-dua kakinya terpaksa dipotong ketika dia baru saja 18 bulan. Kalau dibiarkan pun, Daisy-May tak boleh seimbangkan badan atau bergerak dengan betul.

Selepas pembedahan itu, Daisy-Mai dikatakan telah bergelut dengan kesakitan yang perit kerana kakinya dibalut dengan bahan berkualiti rendah.

Walau bagaimanapun, dia akhirnya mendapat kaki prostetik (jenis spring atau blade) yang membenarkannya untuk belajar berjalan, berlari dan melompat dengan pantas.

“Sebenarnya anda pakaikanlah alat apa pun. Dia akan boleh biasakan diri dengan cepat. Dalam 5 minit pertama, dia akan siap buat cartwheel lagi!” kata Alex.

Menjadi model
Jurucakap jenama River Island berkata kepada Huffington Post UK, “Kami memilih model kami berdasarkan siapa yang paling sesuai dengan sesuatu aktiviti itu.

“Untuk koleksi RI ACTIVE untuk kanak-kanak perempuan, kami perlukan seorang model yang sangat bertenaga dan nampak bergaya dalam pakaian aktif.

“Daisy-May menepati kriteria apa yang kami cari. Dia bukan saja memiliki personaliti yang ceria dan menarik, tapi dia juga memang meminati aktiviti sukan.”

Alex telah membuka sebuah akaun Instagram untuk Daisy-May supaya orang lain boleh lihat sendiri betapa lincahnya anaknya itu.

Dan dengan itu, Daisy-May telah menandatangani sebuah deal permodelan dengan Zebedee Management pada tahun lepas. Agensi ini mewakili model-model kurang upaya. Kerana mereka juga, Daisy-May juga telah terlibat dalam London Fashion Week Februari lepas!

Menurut Alex juga, Daisy-May tak kisah pun dengan perhatian yang dia dapat kerana dia “lain” daripada budak-budak yang sebaya dengannya.

“Memang bagus untuk stand out tapi memang menakjubkanlah kalau dia langsung tak terkesan dengan popularitinya.

“Dia memang inspirational, penuh bertenaga; takkan ada apa-apa yang boleh menghalangnya daripada mencapai apa yang dia nak dalam hidup.”

Berita baik dalam industri fesyen
Bila dia tak beraksi di mana-mana runway atau bergambar untuk sesuatu kempen fesyen itu, Daisy-May akan sibuk di gym membuat tekan tubi, bermain bola sepak atau berlari-lari di tepi jalan. Aktifnya!

Kini jenama fesyen makin berkembang dan dah mula melibatkan model-model kurang upaya. Tahun lalu, jenama kanak-kanak Target, Cat & Jack, melancarkan koleksi pakaian untuk kanak-kanak kurang upaya.

April lalu, Tommy Hilfiger mendedahkan kempen Spring 2018 yang menampilkan seleksi pakaian yang memudahkan orang kurang upaya untuk memakainya. Detail yang ditambahkan adalah seperti butang magnet, hem yang boleh diadjust, serta Velcro.

Bulan lepas pula, ASOS melancarkan jumpsuit kalis air yang sesuai dipakai sambil duduk di atas kerusi roda.

Mungkin selepas ini kempen baru River Island ini akan menggalakkan lebih ramai pengeluar fesyen untuk turut serta.

Sumber: Cosmopolitan, Independent.co.uk
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The Differences Between Health Insurance and Life Insurance The differences between health insurance and life insurance are this; they have almost nothing in common. Health insurance offers coverage for you, your family, or both in the event that someone gets sick, or has an accident. Health insurance pays the doctors, hospitals and nurses for your incurred medical expenses. (after you meet your deductible and co-payments) Life insurance pays a lump some amount to a beneficiary when the insured person dies. That's it! It will not pay the doctor bills, hospital or anything else. It only pays the beneficiary/s if the insured person dies. Now there are many options with life insurance such as "return of premium" riders and such. But the basic policy does the same thing. Pay a death benefit. Where this all gets really confusing is when you combine the two policies. Often a health insurance company will package a health plan with a small life insurance policy. Honestly, this is nothing more than a ploy for the insurance company to jack up the overall premium on the policy and make a bit more money. It's an add-on if you will. And no, not all health insurance plans include life insurance. But make no mistake about it; life-insurance is not the same thing as the health insurance. They are just packaged together in some situations. But the confusion is understandable -and this is where it comes from. When you purchase health insurance you are purchasing a product that is intended to pay the bills to get you back to health. These services can be extremely costly which is cause for the extreme hikes in health care insurance over the last decade. Life insurance is tied only to the death rate of a large demographic of citizens. They use the numbers of thousands of people to establish a mortality rate for each age, gender, nationality, etc. They cannot discriminate for race but believe me they know the difference on the mortality tables. For this reason; life coverage rates are much more stable. The life insurance policy is not paying for your health care costs. So no matter how expensive it is to get you healthy -as long as you keep making your life insurance premium payments your rates should not change. (if you have a level face term or whole life insurance policy.) Health Events can Affect Your ability to get a Life Insurance Policy though, How does this work? If you die due to an accident or sickness the face amount of the policy (provided you obtained insurance through a reputable insurance company and have a standard term or whole life insurance policy) will pay the proceeds to your beneficiary/s. The end. There's not much else to it. So if you are worried that your rates will go up on your life coverage after you have had a health event, don't worry. Summary: Remember; you must keep your premium payments current because it is possible that after a major health event you will not be eligible for the same life coverage. You should always get insurance when you are as young as possible in the best health as possible and usually that was yesterday. Don't do what many folks do; wait until they are in their 40's and 50's when they are thinking about life-insurance. If you have not done a great job of taking care of your health chances are you may not be able to afford a policy that will cover you -especially in your later years. Life companies will rate you higher for poor health, or any health condition. So keep this in mind when doing your shopping. Better health equals better rates. It seems that taking care of your health does have some benefits. It's cheaper! This article was written by Peter Selby of home-speaker.net. This is a self help audio and video site that offers free advice for the theater and stereo setup enthusiast.