
Kanak-kanak Yang Patut Diberi Pujian!πŸ‘

Kanak-kanak Yang Patut Diberi Pujian!πŸ‘
Kanak-kanak Yang Patut Diberi Pujian!πŸ‘

Hari ini, banyak rumah mempunyai kamera keselamatan di pintu depan mereka dalam usaha untuk memantau penceroboh, atau sebagai keselamatan.

Tetapi kadang kala kamera keselamatan merakam beberapa saat yang paling manis.

Itulah yang berlaku pada 18 Julai 2018. Sebuah keluarga di Aurora, Colorado mendapat kejutan apabila menonton rakaman kamera di pintu depan rumah mereka ketika Haylie Wenke dan adiknya, Reagen, serta rakannya, Ashley Dayton, muncul dalam rakaman video kamera tersebut.

Apabila mereka bersiar-siar sambil menunggang basikal, mereka terjumpa dompet hitam di bawah sebuah kereta. Mereka berhenti dan mengambilnya dan menyedari bahawa dompet tersebut mempunyai $ 700 tunai di dalamnya. Daripada merebut peluang untuk pergi membeli-belah dengan menggunakan wang tersebut, mereka merujuk alamat pada kad pengenalan dalam dompet untuk menjejaki rumah pemiliknya.

Ibu bapa mereka pasti bangga dengan tindakan anak-anak mereka.

Sebaik sahaja mereka tiba di rumah pemilik dompet tersebut, niat baik mereka dirakam oleh kamera keselamatan (dan sejak itu menjadi tular). Bukan sahaja keluarga tersebut mendapat dompet mereka kembali, tetapi sistem pengawasan mereka membenarkan kanak-kanak itu untuk meninggalkan mesej kepada keluarga tersebut, memberitahu keluarga tersebut apa yang berlaku dan di mana mereka meninggalkan dompet tersebut untuk memastikannya selamat dan pastikan tiada wang dicuri.

Pemilik dompet bersyukur dompetnya itu ditemui oleh kanak-kanak yang baik hati. Walau bagaimanapun, kanak-kanak tersebut tidak faham mengapa rakaman perbuatan mereka itu menjadi tular. Menurut CBS Denver, ketiga-tiga orang kanak-kanak tersebut tahu bahawa mengembalikan dompet tersebut kepada pemiliknya adalah perkara yang sepatutnya untuk dilakukan.

Sumber: Inspiremore
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The Basic Things You Need to Understand Many people thought that purchasing life insurance may seem frightening and needless thing to do. But did you know that buying this type of insurance is very easy and simple if you are aware of the appropriate mechanisms? However, before deciding to buy a policy, it is imperative to know which type of insurance we really need. Keep in mind that there are two types of insurance in this category. One is Term Life, however temporary and another one is Permanent Life such as whole life or universal insurance. These types of insurance policies provide the policy holder or their beneficiaries the financial benefits in the event of death or accident of the former. Additionally, the type of insurance to buy is entirely dependent on your need and your intention in buying it. Here are the two types of insurance in this category and what they have in store for us: 1. Term Life Insurance. This is considered the easiest and the most cost-effective type of insurance to buy. This is also great to buy during your productive years because it is very affordable and can be renewed annually. How does it work? Aside from being cost-friendly, it is carried for a certain period of time. The policyholder will not worry about equity and has no cash value and premium is paid in cash. In case the insured dies, the insurance provider will pay the beneficiary the cash benefits to be used to cover debts, mortgage, loans, funeral expenses and tuition for college for dependents declared by the said insurer. The term of this insurance is set depending upon the choice of the insured. Commonly it is set for a year and has the option to be renewed upon reaching its expiration but cost of purchasing this insurance normally increase. Also, the policy holder has to prove his or her insurability upon renewal of the policy. 2. Whole Life or Permanent Life Insurance. This type of insurance holds fewer primary investments in contrast to the cost of Term Life. And unlike Term Life, the policies are being held in a longer period of time and paid out if payments are up-to-date in the event the policy holder dies. The Downside and Upside of Whole Life Insurance: The Downside: overall cost against the benefits when buying this insurance. The question is: Is the amount you are paying worth the payout benefits in case you need them? Ask you insurance provider about this issue to be clear. The Upside: It raises in value and you have the option to borrow the amount in case of financial crisis prior to cashing it in. The purpose of buying this type of insurance, its cost as well as the payout are the main considerations before purchasing the policy. Shop around for best value and get quotes from different insurance companies online then compare the benefits they offer, as well as the cost. You may check for rating of insurance companies from various national life insurance rating policies. Until then you can choose which company can give you protection and value for your money.